Free Dribbble invite

I have one free dribbble invitation for you (if you don’t know, what Dribble is, than I think you don’t need it, but you can check the dribbble site).

Do you want it? It is quite simple, just follow these simple steps:

  1. Write here a comment with a link to your portfolio and a brief statement about why you want to be on Dribbble.
  2. Leave a tweet that mentions @orsonsurf with a link to this post. For example:„Dribbble Invite Giveaway!­/drblinv (via @orsonsurf)“

You can also follow me on Twitter, because I will write there who is the lucky winner and also in the future I will announce there another free Dribbble / Forrst invitations. You can as well follow me on Dribbble.

And what if you don’t win the invite in this contest?!

Don’t be sad. If you are a graphic designer or illustrator, try microstock – just create an account on one of the microstock sites, upload your work and start collecting dollars – it is much better than „likes“, you can trust me :). You can read more about starting your microstock career.


  1. Hi myself Rajiv from India. Being a part of a Dribbble, is one of the best opportunities to have some of the best in the industry critique my work and to help me to improve as a designer.

  2. Orson,

    I would give my left arm to be on Dribbble. I’ve been on the site for a while now as a prospect and would absolutely love to be apart of the Dribbble family among amazing designers. Right now I’m about to graduate with a BA in graphic design and have been working at an interactive marketing agency design websites and web applications. I feel like being apart of Dribbble will help me grow as a creative artist and a designer.


    Lauren Kelly

  3. Also, I’m REALLY eager to join the awesome community of Dribbble. The amount of professionals and level of quality is incredible and can be found nowhere else.

    I want to grow both as a designer as well as a professional. I think Dribbble offers the right opportunities.

  4. Hi!

    I`m a designer from spain, I’ve been working in this industry for several years now and love what I do.

    I work as a Lead Designer at Santander Bank serving good design and usability for all the banks from Santander.

    I’d love to win that invite, you can see some of what I’m working on at


    Thank you!

  5. Hi,I create a new design brand in the Czech Republic. And I wish that my work can see people and designers and inspire each other.

  6. I think the dribbble community well help me grow as a designer and help me improve on all aspects(like critique, receiving and giving etc..)

    And it will be an honor to be amongst great and creative geniuses!! ! !

    My profile on



    -… AngelZxxWingZ…-

  7. Hey hello there Orson no idea if this still running but i want give a try, well im want be on Dribbble cuz i see as prospect how cool is the community not only for the quality of all the artist, the atmosphere its great very helpfull with constructive feedbacks and well i want be part of that.

    Here my portfolio:


    please let me know if still runing this :(. thanks in advance.

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