As a illustrator and designer I need to fill my designs with some texts. The easiest method is using dummy Lorem Ipsum. But it is too complicated to open some web browser go to or some other site, copy the content and paste it into Illustrator text field.
Because I’m too lazy, and didn’t found working plugin I created my own simple Lorem Ipsum plugin (script) for Adobe Illustrator. You can download it and use for free. It was created for Adobe Illustrator CS5, but should work also on other versions (the plugin is very simple, if you have some problems, just let me know in comments).
How to install and use it?
- Download Lorem Ipsum plugin for Adobe Illustrator to your drive.
- Unzip and copy the file Lorem Ipsum.jsx to Illustrator script folder (c:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Illustrator CS5\Presets\en_US\Scripts)
- Run Adobe Illustrator
- Create or open any document, create or select some text field and use menu item File / Scripts / LoremIpsum. After that, your text field will be filled with this dummy text:Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetuer odio non tellus natoque accumsan. Sed hac enim Lorem tempus tortor justo eget scelerisque sed morbi. Senectus urna Vestibulum tincidunt turpis sem magna Nam hendrerit vitae nibh. Auctor Sed urna dignissim malesuada eleifend ultrices justo Curabitur Maecenas orci….
More info about installing and running scripts in Adobe Illustrator.
Plugin improvements
Do you know about some improvements? Do you have any tip, idea, new functionality for this plugin? Just let me know.
This is the best easy technique.I’ll try this .Thank you for this.
What about if the text box has the size of the page? then I only get a few lines for Lorem Ipsum.
It needs also to be ramdom… if not I always have the same text, and I cannot see a graphical context in the creation…
and it would be cool if this can be integrated in a panel I can have always in my work space…
need a lot of work
Javier, thanks for your comments, some of them are already implemented in next version of this plugin. But as you wrote, there is still a lot of work :)
Do we have a next version? where is it? I’d like to test it please.
Installed it, used it, thank you so much!
Very Good Idea, I will try this plugin for dummy text in Adobe Illustrator.
its working in cs6! Thanks Bro…..
I’m working still on CS5 :)
Good Technique. I will Installed this