Well, June 2009 was my best month ever on microstock! To this article I also added one „history“ graph, showing my earnings for nearly three years in microstock. You can see, that the earnings are bigger and bigger – that’s because I’m not lazy and my portfolio is growing.
Here are the graphs

June earnings observations
As I wrote before, June was my best month ever, it was also best month ever for Shutterstock, Stockexpert and iStockphoto.
I had 4 extended licences on Shutterstock and 1 on Dreamstime.
Best microstock sites this moth
Final order of best selling sites for June 2009:
I hope, that next month will be even better because Fotolia is increasing the credit price from 0.6 to 0.75 pounds from 1. July and also because I already have one extended licence on Shutterstock.
If you want to sell your 3d or vector art, try clipartof.com
They are looking for artists.
A great site offering 50%.
If you can except Paypal check them out.
Well this site (clipartof.com) has a problem with the tax form:
And for such form you need the ITIN number… or not? Anyway you have to send there some agreement and this is a bit complicated for foreign users.