Did you know, that you can sell logo designs on microstock? Well one of the sites, where you can sell your logo designs and suggestions is
iStockphoto. In this article you will find the right answers for iStock’s Logo Design Application Quiz (check also the quiz for vector illustrators and for photographers). The quiz is really easy – only 12 questions (and if you do some mistake, you can go back a fix it). Don’t forget to read the iStockphoto Logo Training Manual – it will save you some rejections.
Selling graphics
Are you a graphic artist looking for work? Try drawing / taking photos for microstocks – seasonal work, a second income or full-time work
I run into classified ads in which graphic artists are looking for work all the time on the internet. I would like to recommend to them one source of income thanks to which they will be independent, free, can work from the warmth of home and if it goes well for them they will also be well provided for financially. It is drawing for microstocks.
Microstock file formats for uploading vector illustrations
Every Microstock agency use a bit different upload system – specially for vector images. On some sites you need JPG preview with EPS file with same filename, on others you need to have it packed in a ZIP file, somewhere you need big JPG preview and some sites needs just EPS. Here is a simple overview of all bigger microstock sites with their file format requirements for vector illustrations.
Depositphotos – small, but profitable microstock agency
Few months ago I tested 4 new sites – I uploaded around 300 vector illustrations and then I was waiting for first sales – on some sites it takes 4 month, but not on Depositphotos – the first sale was there just a few hours after accepting the first batch of files and the sales are still going up. So lets write more info about this agency for potential contributors.
Graphic Leftovers (short review)
Graphic Leftovers is one of the smaller microstock agencies, but offer few pleasant surprises. I started there in September 2010, because I wanted to utilize my illustrations on iSyndica (which was closed few days later, R.I.P. iSyndica). Next month I was really surprised by my earnings on this agency!
Microstock earnings report – May 2010
It looks like that microstock season is here – the sales at the end of May were similar to sales before Christmas! Especially sales on Shutterstock were nice – I had there my best month ever and another BME was on BigStock.
Books about microstock and making money from images
Microstock is here for more than 10 years! Now everyone can sell own photos in agencies like iStockphoto, Shutterstock, Dreamstime, Fotolia. Everyone can make money from own photos, vector illustrations, footage. There is innumerable websites with articles, instuctions and tips, how to do it (for example my sellinggraphics site). But did you know, that there are also paper books about it?
April discount code for iSyndica
If you want to get 30% off pay-per-use credits on a great tool iSyndica
(which will help you with uploads to various microstock agencies), then try this code: NOJOKE
Microstock earnings report – March 2010
Spring is already here and the earnings from my microstock portfolio is slowly growing like a flower. Shutterstock (my favourite agency) is doing well, within 2–3 months I will get on the same level as I was in the 2009 autumn season. This month only iStockphoto earnings reach the BME (best month ever) level, but BigStockPhoto and 123RF were quite close too.
What is the best vector image size for selling in microstock? [UPDATED]
Few months ago I wrote an article about preparing vector illustration for sale in microstock and there I wrote, that 16 Megapixels should be the ideal size for the JPG preview. But now I made a small research and found, that
16 Megapixels is not enough!. Now – after the closing of StockXpert microstock agency site – the situation is a bit different and 15 Megapixels is enough