Depositphotos – small, but profitable microstock agency

Few months ago I tested 4 new sites – I uploaded around 300 vector illustrations and then I was waiting for first sales – on some sites it takes 4 month, but not on Depositphotosthe first sale was there just a few hours after accepting the first batch of files and the sales are still going up. So lets write more info about this agency for potential contributors.

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I’m back! Site will be updated soon…

I'm backSorry for the delay (7 months), but now this site should be updated more often (I really want to work on it).

There were several reasons for this delay. The main one was, that I didn’t have enough time, because of moving from flat to house (we are still working on adjustment of our new house), new baby in family (lovely Anna, now she will have 10 months). So I spent more day time with family and night time with Adobe Illustrator (I have to feed the microstock beast more, because I need money for my mortgage).

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Books about microstock and making money from images

Microstock is here for more than 10 years! Now everyone can sell own photos in agencies like iStockphoto, Shutterstock, Dreamstime, Fotolia. Everyone can make money from own photos, vector illustrations, footage. There is innumerable websites with articles, instuctions and tips, how to do it (for example my sellinggraphics site). But did you know, that there are also paper books about it?

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